A new morning

A new morning
early morning sunlight on water drops

The stillness and quiet of early morning hours goes unnoticed till you hear the chirp of a bird. Step outside to see the garden waking up.  It is 45 minutes before sunrise. Colors are a blend of the darks from previous night and the brights of the new morning. The moths are taking last sips of nectar before going to bed. Rock wrens are the earliest to show up, before sunrise, to retrieve the nocturnal insects that have not retreated yet. Bats returning and  birds emerging cross paths in the sky above. As the light increases, so do the bird sounds. It is time for them to get started with their day in my garden. Hummingbirds start their acrobatics and jet speed chases. Few gold finches show up on dry flower heads of golden eye. I hear sound of cars on the faraway roads, sounds of human civilization waking up. I return to my flock with a smile on my soul.

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