Starting Seeds Indoors

Episode 12
In this episode:
- Why and when to start seeds indoors
- Some essentials to starting seeds
- Ways to reduce use of plastic & alternatives to using plastic seed starting trays
- Do you really need grow lights?
- Can you grow seedlings near a window?
- Alternatives to buying humidity dome for growing seeds
Seed companies mentioned in this episode:
- Baker Creek Heirloom seeds :
- Tomato grower supply company :
- Sandia Seed company :
- Chili pepper institute, New Mexico State university :
Soil block maker : Johnny’s selected seeds :

left to right from the top: shelf in direct sunlight through the glass door; baking tray with soil blocks; hardening seedlings in courtyard; soil block maker top; soil block maker bottom; baking tray with young plants & 3 blocks already planted; galvanized metal tray; galvanized metal tray individual cell/cup which is bottomless; labels on soil block tray. Other trays in the image gallery have been labeled using a different method not mentioned in the episode (computer document table was created corresponding to soil blocks in the tray)

Left to right: Reusing nursery containers & baking pans for tray; Grow light for when natural light low; Wire shelf to place trays